Life Portraits through a Third Eye Telescope
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GuruCool featured at FeFF 2020 Toronto
We are glad to announce that GuruCool has been selected…
Interview on Spotlight with Amitha Mundenchira
Writer and Director, Sangita Iyer has been invited as the…
GuruCool – Yuma Television Interview
YUMA television featured Writer and Director Sangita Iyer on their…
GuruCool is a unique and a powerful documentary which talks about education in the 21st century. I loved the concept of the different outlooks. Our education system has some flaws which can only be changed if the educators take a strong stand.
Sangita has done an exceptional job in bringing out the real issue into the world through this documentary! And I really wish that these kind of documentaries open the eyes of people and educators globally.
Sangita has done an exceptional job in bringing out the real issue into the world through this documentary! And I really wish that these kind of documentaries open the eyes of people and educators globally.
It was a pleasure meeting you at South Asian Literature and Art Festival. Your documentary GuruCool was an eye opener. A very in depth look at the changing face of education. The system needs to change to give quality education to the younger population on the rise. It didn’t seem that it was your first directorial venture. Congratulations and waiting for your next venture.
Documentaries, a forgotten genre of movie making have been at the heart of every paradigm shift. They allow the common man to start a dialogue and think of different perspectives. GuruCool directed by the Indo-Canadian Director Sangita Iyer takes the beaten subject of Education Reform and puts a fresh perspective to it. Most movies have shown perspectives of what the educators think, Sangita brings the parents and students on the same platform and creates a very powerful visual. The movie alerts us to the complex and multi-layered problems in the system. The movie ends with a reminder of how we the parents can choose to be part of the solution or part of the problem. It’s a choice and we have to make the right one so the next generation of Artists, Engineer, Scientists, Firefighters, Writers and more can live with equal dignity and respect.
Got to watch this movie. Thanks to Smita Garg, met Sangita Iyer – the pioneer behind the movie!! A must see and a need of the hour!
It was an eye opener! Sangita has done a great job capturing the sentiment of all those who are impacted by the education system! A must watch!